Frequently Asked Questions

Is Somatic Experiencing the same as “Energy Work”?

No, Somatic Experiencing and Energy Work are different. Somatic Experiencing is rooted in the scientific disciplines of animal physiology, neurobiology, and health psychology. It’s easy to mistake the experience of shifting physical sensations for energy work. During a somatic experiencing session, the practitioner tracks the subtle body cues and checks in with you to verify your experience. The immobile energy that was trapped during the threat is released as physical sensations of tingling, the desire to move, shake, run, or punch. It is the movement of these sensations that heals. In Energy Work, the client is a passive recipient of the therapists hands and intentions. In Somatic Experience, it is your body that is guiding the session.
Can I combine Somatic Experiencing with Massage?

No, I keep these offerings separate because massage is passive and somatic experiencing is active. Massage sedates the sympathetic nervous system and is a wonderful form of self-care. The recipient needs only to receive the massage. With Somatic Experiencing, however, your participation creates the healing. During a Somatic Experiencing session, your nervous system will go between moments of activation (sympathetic nervous system response) and restoration (parasympathetic nervous system response). The real gains happen with your active involvement. Somatic Experiencing is an opportunity to “peak behind the curtain” of your automatic nervous system responses and safely witness together your triggers and your comforts.
Does Somatic Experiencing involve touch?

It can. Unlike a massage, it is fully clothed and generally involves gentle holds that we do for ourselves. Occasionally, with your permission, I may apply gentle touch.
Do you take insurance?

How effective are your virtual sessions since this is body centered work?

Extremely! Being in your home environment surrounded by your personal triggers and joys is very helpful in facilitating this body-centered work.

How is Somatic Experiencing different from talk therapy? 

Your body and what it has to say is more important in Somatic Experiencing than words. If your head is gently shaking “no” while your story is saying “yes,” this would be a point of interest in a Somatic Experiencing session. Spontaneous physical gestures, however subtle, experimenting with how your body feels when it gets to create a physical boundary, as well as, gestures that suggest an incomplete fight, flight, or freeze response are starting points in a Somatic Experiencing session.
Is it ok to receive other therapies concurrently?

Absolutely. Somatic Experiencing is a wonderful addition to talk therapy. And, receiving massage, acupuncture, chiropractic, or physical therapy are all wonderful forms of self-care and healing.
What conditions can Somatic Experiencing help with? 

It can help with the physical symptoms related to trauma, abuse, accidents, injuries, medical procedures, and dental work. It can also help with feeling stuck and shut down, anxiety, addictions, and compulsive behaviors. 

For a more complete list visit TRAUMAHEALING.ORG


The rate is $150 for 50 minutes. I do not offer a sliding scale, however my rates are competitive and reasonable compared to the national average.

Credit card processing with Ivy Pay.  Payments made easy!

As a payment option for our sessions, you may keep a credit card on file with me via IVY pay, a credit card processing service. Their website is https://www/

The Benefits of Using Ivy:

I'm able to charge you for sessions without swiping a card or exchanging a check at each session.

The service is secure and compliant with HIPAA standards for client confidentiality.

Your credit card information is stored with Ivy pay, not in my files or other records; I do not have access to your stored credit card information.

You would be able to review past payments in a text message thread from Ivy.

How it works:

You provide a phone number to me, I enter it into an app along with the charge for the session.

Ivy pay texts you a secure link leading to a page where you enter your credit card information and approve the charge.

After future sessions, I use Ivy pay to charge the stored card and the app will send you a text informing you that I have do so.

You will only be asked to enter your card information once, unless you need or wish to change the card. You do not need to download the app or regularly interact with Ivy pay.

You may also use Venmo, Zelle, or a check in person, in which case payment will be collected at the beginning of the session.

I will email you either a link for zoom or for once your appointment is booked.

In Person
Please arrive on time and wear a mask.
207 Central Avenue, Black Mountain, NC 28711

Your Message *

Your Phone Number *

Your Email Address *

Your Name *

I offer a 15 minute free phone consultation. Please list some days and times that work best for you. I'll send an email to confirm the time. 

Your personal information will not be used for anything other than contacting you for the consultation.

 We’re all in this together. Stress, trauma and overwhelm can leave us feeling alone and isolated. In this spirit, please feel free to provide feedback for how I can make this site more inclusive.

 Any suggestions for photos or copy is welcome.

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
Quote by Viktor Frankl, neurologist, psychiatrist and holocaust survivor


Thank you for getting in touch.
We will reply to you within 24 hours.